
Summary of the Investigation Into the Circumstances of the Deaths of the Hostages Corporal Nik Beizer, Sergeant Ron Sherman, and Elia Toledano

Today (Sunday), the findings of the investigation regarding the circumstances of the deaths of the hostages Corporal Nik Beizer, Sergeant Ron Sherman, and Elia Toledano were presented to their families.  
The investigation was conducted by officers of the Intelligence Directorate, operational commanders from the IAF, and officers from the Headquarters of the Hostages and Missing Persons in the Intelligence Directorate, who examined the circumstances of the deaths of the three hostages as well as the intelligence that the IDF had since their abduction. The investigation was concluded in recent days, following the completion of intelligence and operational efforts and considerations for the security of the hostages.

The findings of the investigation suggest a high probability that the three were killed as a result of a byproduct of an IDF airstrike, during the elimination of the Hamas Northern Brigade commander, Ahmed Ghandour, on November 10th, 2023. This is a high-probability assessment based on all of the available information, but it is not possible to definitively determine the circumstances of their deaths. This assessment is based on the location of where their bodies were found in relation to the strike's impact, performance analysis of the strike, intelligence findings, the results of the pathological reports, and the conclusions of the Forensic Medicine Institute.

The investigation indicates that the three hostages were held in the tunnel complex from which Ghandour operated. At the time of the strike, the IDF did not have information about the presence of hostages in the targeted compound. Furthermore, there was information suggesting that they were located elsewhere, and thus the area was not designated as one with suspected presence of hostages. Throughout the war, the IDF has not struck areas where there are indications or suspicions of the presence of hostages. The IDF operates a mechanism through the Headquarters of the Hostages and Missing Persons in the Intelligence Directorate, aimed at ensuring that offensive actions do not harm hostages wherever possible, and invests significant efforts in gathering information about the hostages.

On December 14th, the bodies of the three hostages were recovered from the tunnel where Ghandour had been located, following precise intelligence received regarding the location of their bodies, and they were brought to burial in Israel.

The IDF shares in the grief of the families over the devastating loss and will continue to accompany them.

The IDF continues, even at this moment, to exert all efforts to fulfill the paramount national mission of bringing all of the hostages home.
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