May 9, 2023 
Operation “Shield and Arrow”
The IDF and ISA Targeted the Islamic Jihad Terrorist Organization’s Northern Gaza Division Commanding Officer Responsible for the Rocket Fire Toward Israel in the Past Month

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck Khalil Bahitini, responsible for the rocket fire toward Israel in the past month. Bahitini is the senior operational officer of Islamic Jihad and the commander of the Northern Gaza Division.

Bahitini was entrusted with approving and carrying out all terrorist activities from northern Gaza as well as, planning and directing terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians and planned shooting at Israel in the immediate future.

Bahitini 44, lived in Gaza City. He started his activity in the Islamic Jihad in the late 90s and throughout the years was involved in many terroristic acts against Israel including- suicide bombings, explosive attacks, rocket fire and directing terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria.

After the elimination of Tayseer Jabri during operation “Breaking Dawn” in August 2022, Bahitini took over his position. Bahitini was a member of the terrorist organization’s military council and had direct and active contact with senior members of the Islamic Jihads’ Political Bureau.

This targeted mission as well as the targeting of Baha Abu al-Ata, Tayseer Jabri and Khled Manosur, is part of the IDF’s efforts to combat Islamic Jihad.

The IDF will continue to operate for the security of the civilians in the State of Israel.

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