May 9, 2023 
Operation “Shield and Arrow”
The IDF and ISA targeted the Secretary of the Islamic Jihad Terrorist Organization’s Military Council 

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets targeted another senior operative of Islamic Jihad, Jahed Ahnam, Secretary of Cooperation for the terrorist organization in Gaza.

Ahnam 62, resided in Rafiah, was one of the most senior members of the organization, previously served in key positions in the terrorist organization including the Commanding Officer of the Islamic Jihads’ Southern Gaza Brigade and Secretary of the Military Council.

In his last position, he was entrusted with coordinating weapons and money transfers between the Hamas terrorist organization and the Islamic Jihad.

Ahnam operated in promoting terrorism in Gaza, Judea and Samaria and around the world. The IDF will continue to operate for the security of the civilians in the State of Israel. 
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