November 18, 2023
Transcript of the last conversation between CPT Jamal z”l and his father, COL (res.) Anan and his brother, CPT (res.) Gideon

Anan (Jamal's father): Command, from Dad and Gideon

Jamal z”l: Go ahead

Anan: We send you warm greetings. Command, you are the soldiers’ spearhead. Take care of yourselves, fight Hamas, destroy them. Fight boldly. Stay in there as long as needed until victory. I miss you very much and love you. You are supported by the Northern Command and our family. Take care, come back safely, and I’ll see you soon.

Jamal z”l: Thank you very much Dad, and congratulations on the new rank.

Gideon (Jamal’s brother): Command, I wish you great success. Miss you, love you, waiting for your return, until victory, brother, in memory of all the fallen.

Jamal z”l: With God's help Gideon, congratulations on your new rank too.

Gideon: Thank you, Command.

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